Dc 7 craps system free

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Reviewing and ultimately debunking this system is a rewarding exercise in probabilities and is also an intriguing demonstration of what makes systems compelling to gamblers. It has an interesting premise and appeals to seasoned players and their understanding of the game. Nevertheless this particular system has many avid followers. Unfortunately, this system, like all craps systems, does not deliver its promise and leaves the player at the mercy of the standard house advantages. It claims that the player can establish a Don’t Come point with little or no risk, thereby having a bet that is always to their advantage. The No Risk Don’t Come system has been known for years under a variety of different names. I never saw Wendel without his pool cue, and never saw him use it.

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Wendel recently passed away having lived a long life and making lots of people smile. He was responsible for the challenge and the enjoyment I got from writing this article and learning the allure of the system. Wendel swore up and down that it made him a fortune and he never wavered in his confidence. Updated November 2013: The gentleman gambler who introduced me to this system was named Wendel.

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